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Search results

  1. eagle

    Blender The 50-Chapter Guide to Developing Game Backgrounds for Concept Artists 2023-11-29

    https://coloso.global/en/products/50chapter-conceptartist-redhong-us This class is for all aspiring concept artists who want to create realistic, high-quality game backgrounds. Coloso's Guide to Game Backgrounds 50-Chapter Class Is now available! Want to learn the fundamentals of concept...
  2. eagle

    Blender Blenderで大規模なファンタジー都市を作成する 2023-11-29

    https://coloso.jp/products/digitalartist-kazusa-jp-valentine2023-jp トレーラー デジタルアーティスト Kazusa Blenderの基本機能で制作 シネマティックなサイバーパンクアニメーション https://youtu.be/AG9sV7HK4nY フォトリアルな世界観や、 VFXを得意とするKazusa。 本講座では、Blenderの基本機能を活用し、 サイバーパンク風の3D映像を完成させる 一連の流れを学んでいきます。 まずは、Blenderやモデリングの基本操作について解説。...
  3. eagle

    EmberGen EmberGen Bootcamp: A Real-Time VFX Simulation Course | Available Now | RedefineFX 2023-11-29

    Start Creating Rad Real-Time VFX Simulations with EmberGen (in a few hours, not weeks) …even if you’re completely new to 3D simulations! Watch the course trailer: Learn EmberGen from The Ground Up (The Fun Way) Follow me step-by-step through over 60 beginner-friendly lessons, covering every...
  4. eagle

    LIVE2D Become a professional creator of living virtual characters with LIVE2D 2023-11-29

    Become a professional creator of living virtual characters with LIVE2D
  5. eagle

    LIVE2D Live2Dデザイナー rariemonn -入門から実践まで学ぶ自然で可愛いVTuber用Live2D制作 2023-11-29

    Live2Dデザイナー rariemonn -入門から実践まで学ぶ自然で可愛いVTuber用Live2D制作 https://coloso.jp/products/live2ddesigner-rariemonn-jp 基本知識から実践まで学べる VTuber用Live2D制作の入門講座 キャラクターに合う 仕草や表情制作を得意とし、 数々の人気VTuberの Live2D制作を担当する Live2Dデザイナー rariemonn。 今回の講座では、rariemonn独自の キャラクターに合った、自然で可愛い VTuber用Live2Dを制作する ノウハウをお教えします。...
  6. eagle

    Houdini Pragmatic VFX: Advanced Houdini Courses from Senior ILM FX TD 2023-11-29

    https://player.vimeo.com/video/314430531 Pragmatic VEX is a highly planned, highly edited series aimed to increase the technical capacity of the artists and TDs. This series will enable you to tackle more complex production shots with complete control and ease by acquiring a deeper technical...
  7. eagle

    Blender Aria Faith Jones creating Blender Simulation and Animation Tutorials 2.2.13

    Aria Faith Jones creating Blender Simulation and Animation Tutorials
  8. eagle

    Blender The Ride A Blender Car Animation Course 2023-11-29

    Welcome to "The Ride" Hello Guys! My name is JeanYan, I am specialized in Blender animations, and I've been using Blender for more than a decade. I am so proud to present this project, it’s more than 64 videos and 11 hours of action pack training. The complete presentation...
  9. eagle

    3ds Max ABOUTCG: 猎魔游侠高级动画全流程案例教学【绑定篇+贴图篇】 (Demon Hunter Advanced Animation Full Process Case Teaching [Bindi 2023-11-28

    ABOUTCG: 猎魔游侠高级动画全流程案例教学【绑定篇+贴图篇】 (Demon Hunter Advanced Animation Full Process Case Teaching [Binding + Texturing]) https://www.aboutcg.org/courseDetails/732/introduce and part 2: https://www.aboutcg.org/courseDetails/766/introduce
  10. eagle

    Maya 迪士尼风格化《北极星小姐姐》角色制作【adv骨骼绑定】 Maya ZBrush

    迪士尼风格化《北极星小姐姐》角色制作【adv骨骼绑定】 https://www.yiihuu.com/a_10735.html
  11. Complete Blender Creator: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners [GameDevtvTeam]

    Complete Blender Creator: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners [GameDevtvTeam]

    This course is in the process of being completely remastered in Blender 3.2. Currently both the new and original content are in this course, once the remaster is complete students will be able to access the original 2.8 content in a separate archive course. Blender is a fantastic platform which...