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Woosung Kang – C4D Motion Training From the Basics to Master Level

Cinema 4D Woosung Kang – C4D Motion Training From the Basics to Master Level 2023-12-20

Cinema 4D
Struggling to step up your game with free tutorials?Start making the trendiest in motion graphics using Cinema 4D, Octane, and After Effects with pointers from an experienced Art Director. This class covers everything from MoGraph, modeling, texture, lighting,and image manipulation to actual workflow in the industry.

Class Details​

  • Beginner
  • Korean
  • Total 32 videos, 24Hours 26Minutes
  • English, Traditional Chinese
  • Class materials included


In-Depth Look


01. Orientation & Introductions
  1. Instructor Introduction
  2. Class focus & syllabus review
  3. Helpful Websites & Software Program References

SECTION 02. C4D & Design Fundamentals​

02. Interface basics: Quick guide on UI & Navigation
  1. Basic features of Cinema 4D
  2. Easy to understand interface guide for beginners
  3. Viewport window: basic navigation & tips

03. Modeling Basics: Polygon & Nurbs Modeling
  1. Polygon & Nurbs Modeling basics
  2. Primary Shapes & the Spline curve
  3. How to Use Subdivision and symmetry
  4. Spline and pen tool modeling

04. Design Basics: Spatial Composition using Primary Shapes
  1. Triangle composition
  2. Basic Tools for Modeling
  3. Operating MoGraph and Boolean
  4. Creating balance and adding details

05. Octane & Lighting Basics: Main features and Three-point Lighting
  1. Need-to-know basics for good lighting
  2. Octane Render basics
  3. Utilizing shaders
  4. Lighting basics and stylized lighting

06. Color Basics: Stylized Lighting using Basic Color Theory
  1. Understanding the color wheel
  2. Material & stylized color lighting with complementary colors

07. Setting up Octane Render
  1. Setting up Octane Render and its basic functions
  2. Setting up Multipass for Compositing

08. Compositing Basics: Using After Effects and Multipasses
  1. Introducing compositing samples
  2. Compositing with Octane Multipasses
  3. Light Pass animation with After Effects

09. Asset Design: Creating Design Assets with Volume and MoGraph
  1. Basics of volume modeling
  2. Making various shapes through MoGraph

10. Texture Design: Basics and Library Utilization
  1. Understanding texture
  2. How to Use the 4K Texture Package

SECTION 03. C4D Animation Basics​

11. Animation Principles and Basic Shape Animations with Tension Part.1
  1. Understanding timelines and graphs
  2. Practicing the basics of animation
  3. Ball bouncing and shape transformation animation

12.Animation Principles and Basic Shape Animations with Tension Part.2
  1. Adding details to an animation
  2. Adding various objects
  3. Applying texture and lighting

13. Character Animation Using Deformers Part.1
  1. Deformer basics
  2. Character modeling & animating with deformers

14. Character Animation Using Deformers Part.2
  1. Adding different characters
  2. Spatial design using volume modeling
  3. Setting up loop animations

SECTION 04. C4D Animation Training​

15. Realistic MoGraph and Rigid Simulations Part.1
  1. MoGraph and rigid body simulation
  2. Adding details with vertex maps and fields

16. Realistic MoGraph and Rigid Simulations Part.2
  1. Applying texture
  2. Setting up realistic lighting
  3. Multipass compositing

17. Soft Body and Pose Simulations Part.1
  1. Creating realistic lighting & moving shadows
  2. Multipass compositing

18. Soft Body and Pose Simulations Part 2
  1. Adding details through pose
  2. Creating lighting textures & moving shadows

19. Dynamic Custom Camera Rigs
  1. Basic features of a WS custom rig camera
  2. Dynamic camera movements with a custom camera
  3. Spatial composition with MoGraph
  4. Applying lighting texture

20. Character Modeling & IK Joint Animation
  1. Quick character modeling with volume and remeshing
  2. Binding character joints
  3. IK animation

21. Emitter Simulation and Spatial Design
  1. Spatial composition with different design assets
  2. Emitter simulations

22. Liquid Animation with Pose Morph and Volume
  1. Modeling with Voronoi Fracture and volume
  2. Animating with pose morph

SECTION 05. Industry Workflow​

23. Day-to-Day Business Workflow
  1. Production process for business projects
  2. Workflow for personal projects
  3. Creating animatics & shot composition

24. Product Animation Training SHOT 01
  1. Tips on arranging animatics & shots
  2. Animating with custom camera rigs
  3. Understanding aspects of transition, timing, and lighting

25. Xpresso Basics for Easier 3D UI
  1. Creating a simple shape UI with Xpresso
  2. Applying shaders and lighting

26. Product Animation Training SHOT 02
  1. Animating with MoGraph and Effector
  2. Utilizing custom cameras
  3. Understanding transitions

27. Product Animation Training SHOT 03
  1. Animating through MoGraph
  2. Figuring out jumpcuts

28. Product Animation Training SHOT 04
  1. Animating with MoGraph (Flower Shape, UI Animation)

29. Product Animation Training SHOT 05&06
  1. Utilizing soft body and mesh tools
  2. Creating a mood with multipass compositing

30. Product Animation Training SHOT 07
  1. Pattern animation through MoGraph
  2. UI Animation with Xpresso

31. Transition SHOT 08
  1. Custom Camera/UI animation
  2. Generating smooth transitions

32. Transition SHOT 09
  1. Designing with deformers
  2. Lighting & transitions