Art Director, Woosung Kang

Class Details
- Beginner
- Korean
- Total 32 videos, 24Hours 26Minutes
- English, Traditional Chinese
- Class materials included
In-Depth Look
- Instructor Introduction
- Class focus & syllabus review
- Helpful Websites & Software Program References
SECTION 02. C4D & Design Fundamentals
- Basic features of Cinema 4D
- Easy to understand interface guide for beginners
- Viewport window: basic navigation & tips
- Polygon & Nurbs Modeling basics
- Primary Shapes & the Spline curve
- How to Use Subdivision and symmetry
- Spline and pen tool modeling
- Triangle composition
- Basic Tools for Modeling
- Operating MoGraph and Boolean
- Creating balance and adding details
- Need-to-know basics for good lighting
- Octane Render basics
- Utilizing shaders
- Lighting basics and stylized lighting
- Understanding the color wheel
- Material & stylized color lighting with complementary colors
- Setting up Octane Render and its basic functions
- Setting up Multipass for Compositing
- Introducing compositing samples
- Compositing with Octane Multipasses
- Light Pass animation with After Effects
- Basics of volume modeling
- Making various shapes through MoGraph
- Understanding texture
- How to Use the 4K Texture Package
SECTION 03. C4D Animation Basics
- Understanding timelines and graphs
- Practicing the basics of animation
- Ball bouncing and shape transformation animation
- Adding details to an animation
- Adding various objects
- Applying texture and lighting
- Deformer basics
- Character modeling & animating with deformers
- Adding different characters
- Spatial design using volume modeling
- Setting up loop animations
SECTION 04. C4D Animation Training
- MoGraph and rigid body simulation
- Adding details with vertex maps and fields
- Applying texture
- Setting up realistic lighting
- Multipass compositing
- Creating realistic lighting & moving shadows
- Multipass compositing
- Adding details through pose
- Creating lighting textures & moving shadows
- Basic features of a WS custom rig camera
- Dynamic camera movements with a custom camera
- Spatial composition with MoGraph
- Applying lighting texture
- Quick character modeling with volume and remeshing
- Binding character joints
- IK animation
- Spatial composition with different design assets
- Emitter simulations
- Modeling with Voronoi Fracture and volume
- Animating with pose morph
SECTION 05. Industry Workflow
- Production process for business projects
- Workflow for personal projects
- Creating animatics & shot composition
- Tips on arranging animatics & shots
- Animating with custom camera rigs
- Understanding aspects of transition, timing, and lighting
- Creating a simple shape UI with Xpresso
- Applying shaders and lighting
- Animating with MoGraph and Effector
- Utilizing custom cameras
- Understanding transitions
- Animating through MoGraph
- Figuring out jumpcuts
- Animating with MoGraph (Flower Shape, UI Animation)
- Utilizing soft body and mesh tools
- Creating a mood with multipass compositing
- Pattern animation through MoGraph
- UI Animation with Xpresso
- Custom Camera/UI animation
- Generating smooth transitions
- Designing with deformers
- Lighting & transitions