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Coloso – Intro to High-Quality VFX with Houdini

Houdini Coloso – Intro to High-Quality VFX with Houdini 2023-12-20


Coloso Intro to High-Quality VFX with Houdini​

Source: Lessons: 46
Duration: 22h 27m
Language: Korean
File Size: 7.20GB
Other info: Korean, English Subtitles Included

<iframe title="vimeo-player" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/373128541?h=8cf44b7ab9" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


In-depth Look

SECTION 01. Starting Houdini
01. Introduction

Introducing the instructor and Houdini version
List of sites useful for learning Houdini
02. Setting up OCIO for the ACES Color Space

How to use the ACES color space
The workflow to add rich colors to VFX
03. Basic & Custom Interface

Basic interface introduction
Increasing work convenience with a custom interface
How to install Side FX Lab commonly used for videogames
04. Understanding the Geometry Node Structure

Get familar with the work process of node structures using SOP
Benefit to using node structures
05. Types of Attributes and Data

Types of data commonly used in Houdini
Understanding individual attributes found in geometry such as primitives and points
SECTION 02. Geometry and VEX Coding
06. Channel Reference and Node Parameter Connections

Understanding channel reference, the basic procedure, and procedural modeling
07. Parameter Script

Learning Houdini group nodes
Using IF operators which are also used in conditional statements to distinguish True/False values
Expressions commonly used in parameters
(*HScript : $F, $T, bbox, centroid, point, npoints)
08. Editing Attributes

Understanding how VOP manages attributes through nodes and how VEX manages attributes through coding
09. Creating Variables and Attributes through VEX

Creating attributes through VEX and VOP
Reading point attributes and primitive attributes from another object
10. Copy Stamp Node

How to use the Stamp feature
How to apply attributes to copied geometry
11. Adjusting Noise & Random Values

How to create and use noise through VEX and VOP
Recognizing noise parameters and making them with a Wrangle node
Modifying range with Fit Range nodes and modifying distributions through ramp parameters
12. Trigonometric Functions & Animation

Creating a simple 3D model and animation in a 3D program using sin and cos functions
Tips on using repetitive animation meaningfully
13. VEX Function

Learning VEX functions commonly used in the industry (*if, removepoint, removeprim, lerp(linear interpolation), getbbox, relbbox)
SECTION 03. Experiencing Useful VEX functions and Simple Procedural Modeling
14. For-Each Node

How to use "For-Each" nodes to efficiently process repetitive work
15. Load Attributes

Learning 3 ways to load attributes from different geometry (Attribute transfer, Point Cloud, xyzDist)
16. Basic Procedural Modeling

Generating a procedural hexagon grid
Creating animation by using the previously learned Attribute Transfer and For-Each nodes
SECTION 04. Digital Style Logo Animation
17. SOP Exercise: Digital Style Logo 01

Understanding the Voronoi diagram
How to set up a procedural animation
18. SOP Exercise: Digital Style Logo 02

How to set up basic materials
How to render with Mantra, Houdini's built-in renderer
SECTION 05. Particles
19. Basic Vector Operations

Learning basic vector operations (addition, subtraction, scalar product)
Adjusting an object's direction and scale of velocity
20. Multiplication of Vectors

Application of multiplication types in VFX
Principles of vector cross product and dot product
How to use Solver nodes and vector cross product
How to compute and use the angle between two vectors with the dot product of vectors
21. Particle System

Nodes commonly used in Pop networks
Parameters that define attributes when particles are emitted by Pop sources
22. Particle Attributes

How to use the Age attribute
Post-processing attributes such as color, alpha, particle size after making a simulation
(*Attributes: age, life, nage)
23. POP Exercise 01: Simple Exercise

Creating a simple application with the previously learned particle simulation
Trying out particle rendering
24. POP Exercise 02: Curve Follow

Making particles move on a geometric curve
Creating a tornado simulation with particle effects
SECTION 06. Basics of Volume Simulation
25. Types of Volume and Pixels

Understanding voxels, the pixels of volume
What various voxel types are and where to use them
26. Modifying Volume with VOP

Modifying the size or shape of the volume field of your choice with VOP nodes
27. Simple Smoke Simulation

Setting up a simulation space
Loading volume sources
How the Division Size changes the volume's details
28. Adding Details to the Smoke Effect

Learning the various parameter functions of the Pyro Solver node
How to adjust the shape and movement of the smoke in detail (*Dissipation, Disturbance, Turbulence, Shredding, Sharpening)
29. Smoke Logo 01: Simulation

Using the parameters of a Pyro Solver node to create a natural volume simulation
Making a preset so only the logo area gets rendered
30. Smoke Logo 02: Rendering

Express volume material
Utilizing Mantra rendering
How to use Denoisers
31. Fire 01: Simulation

Making a fire simulation with a combustion system, not a smoke simulation
Using the parameters of a Pyro Solver node to form the fire's shape
32. Fire 02: Rendering & VFX

Setting and rendering the fire material
Adding a glow VFX with Nuke
SECTION 07. Advanced Volume Simulation: Portal FX
33. Portal FX 01: Simulation

Source Settings at the Geometry Stage
Adjusting the parameters of the Pyro solver node
34. Portal FX 02: Volume Velocity Field

Understanding and applying the velocity field for volume simulation
35. Portal FX 03: Spark Particle

Creating spark particles to add more details to the portal
36. Portal FX 04: Rendering and VFX

Create a fake temperature field to create a glowing effect in the volume
Rendering the portal effect with the particles
SECTION 08. Houdini Vellum: Cloth Simulations
37. Basic Cloth Simulation

Setting up a Velium simulation
Using Stretch and Bend nodes to express material texture for the cloth simulation
Making an animation by fixing the cloth on the desired point with a Pin To Target node
38. Creating Torn Cloth

Using the Vellum Weld Points node to create the cloth covering the logo
Making a procedural animation that tears at the right time
39. Making a Balloon-Like Cloth

Using Rest Length and Pressure constraints to make an inflating Vellum balloon simulation
40. Rendering The Logo & VFX

Rendering the exercises we made throughout the curriculum
How to use Karma, Houdini's next-generation renderer
SECTION 09. Houdini Application: Cruella Effect (Burn Cloth)
41. Marvelous Designer to Houdini

Introduction of Marvelous Designer, a tool specialized in making fabric material
How to make a cloth simulation based on character movement and import it into Houdini
42. Making a Burning Dress Simulation

Making a procedural animation to make the dress burn at the right time
Applying Vellum simulation only to the burning area
Implementing For-Each loops
43. Cruella Fire Effect Simulation

Making ember particles and adding details
44. Creating Cruella Ember Particles

Creating ember particles
Making fire geometry and adding it to the particles
45. Rendering the Cruella Effect

Setting the materials and lighting for the dress rendering
Applying the fire and ember rendering
How to render each geometry with mattes
How to render light passes
46. Cruella Effect VFX

Leverage render passes from Nuke to Shuffle nodes
Finishing VFX