This class will teach you
- what you need to know to create artwork
- using the 3D Tool Maya:
- From HDRI to LookDev, lighting, final rendering,
- image manipulation, and even the theories behind it.
Lessons: 30
Duration: 13 h 35m
Language: English
File Size: GB
Class Details
- Now Available
- Unlimited Access
- Pro
- Korean
- Total 30 videos, 13Hours 35Minutes
- English
- Class materials included
In-Depth Look
- Instructor Introduction: Profile
- Class curriculum and design philosophy/attitude
- Practice sample file directory: content & vocabulary
SECTION 02. Arnold Shader: A to Z
- Basic Maya settings & model settings for Lookdev
- Creating shaders for cars with a free Lookdev kit
- Creating an asset Lookdev with Arnold Car Paint
- Deciding base color and capturing depth & photo-realistic details
- Creating simple car glass textures with aiStandard shader
- Applying the blueness and uneven surface effect on glass
- Creating complex structured headlights with previously practiced textures
- Creating headlight bulbs through Meshlight & setting up AOV
- Simple but realistic car tires using a basic rubber texture and curvature shader in aiStandard
- Multiple textures on tires
- Finishing off an interior and small components
SECTION 03. HDRI Filming and Equipment Usage at ILM
- Filming equipment & Nodal: Settings and how to use them
- Film settings used at ILM
- Using chrome/grey balls and color charts
- Editing & correcting images with Raw Therapee
- Reducing camera noise & adjusting white balance
- Overall theory and instructions on control points, editing and viewing spherical panoramas, stitching HDR panoramas, and masks
SECTION 04. Optimized HDRI for Lighting
- How to use spherical transform nodes and sample case
- Understanding paint nodes
- Erasing tripods and color charts
- Matching the colors of an HDRI camera & video camera
- Adjusting brightness levels through color charts
- Match-grade through grade nodes
- How to extract lighting textures for light settings in Maya
- Cutting out light textures with spherical transform
SECTION 05. CG Set Lighting in Maya
- Locating HDRI in a 3D space
- Understanding plate projection principles
- Creating shadows with an AO shader
- Creating an HDRI shader
- Applying lighting textures
- Lighting calibration through chrome grey sphere
- Creating headlights & tail-lights with IES light
- LPE expression
- The concept of light groups used for AOV
SECTION 06. Optimized Arnold Rendering
- Creating layers with Maya's render setup
- Collection concept & usage
- Matte explanation & set-up
- Basic AOV set-up for image manipulation
- Creating shadows with projection shader & shadow matte shader
- Creating road render layers with headlight flash
- Creating background scenery with projection shader & aiStandard Shader
- Applying LPE expression to AOV creation
- Creating fog with aiStandard volume shader
- Difference between aiStandard volume & aiAtmosphere volume
- Adding detail to fog with aiNoise
- Creating steam with aiStandard volume shader
- Adding detail to steam with aiNoise
- Common tab settings for batch render
- Arnold's adaptive sampling concept
- Optimizing with AA_inv_density AOV & low light threshold
- Applying Arnold Optimization to remaining layers
- Concept of clamping and a sample case
- Optimized AOV: How & Why
- B Pipe (B over A) theory
- Optimizing with Bbox & Shuffle
- Decreasing plate noise with denoise node
- Extracting grain from denoised plates
- Creating channels by shuffling the extracted grain
- Adding shadows with AmbientOcclusion, Projection Shader, ShadowMatte
- Adding lighting with LPE divided lights to roads
- Understanding Convole & Kernel
- Adding natural coloring to cars with Grade
- Creating headlight light scattering with Convole
- Adjusting a car image to match camera lens quality with Shuffle
- Headlight LED Blinking with simple Nuke expressions
- Creating accurate tracking information with Reconsile3D node
- Adding detail to fog & steam with noise
- Creating lens flare without plug-ins
- Fixing tracker node made lens flare on cars
- Understanding camera noise
- Applying camera grain to cars